New Beginnings

Its important to follow our dreams and not be put off by any negative voices we may encounter. The image below speaks to me of potential and oppportunity – of going for and achieving our dreams.

This post is in response to Sadje’s “What do you see” challenge of 19/9/22.

this is the inspiring image #Whatdoyousee

Following on from some posts I’ve read in the past week I was inspired by Sadje’s post to speak out against the negative voices we might encounter who doubt our abilities or just won’t support us. I was inspired to think about where I am in life – at a crossroads which presents new opportunities, new beginnings. We should embrace the opportunities which present themselves, whether that’s writing blogs, exploring life or something else. We all have our own stories, and its in our own hands how the stories of our lives play out. When we are inspired we need to tap into that inspiration and not be put off – we need to pursue our dreams.

From other posts there seems to be others who may try to “steal” our dreams and try to discourage and dissuade us; don’t let them put you off – listen to that inner voice that’s driving you. Be careful too, those negative voices can sometimes come from inside – our self doubts and lack of confidence can hold us back. Be brave and push through to follow your dreams.

Sometimes we can be our harshest critic, but we must learn to manage that voice so our other thoughts/voices can be heard and have a chance to blossom.

Creativity comes in many shapes and linked to the points above; don’t be afraid to express your creativity in whatever form works for you. Being creative is a reward in itself and we should be expressing ourselves for us first – its nice if someone else likes and appreciates what we do, but we shouldn’t be put off by the negative voices that doubt our abilities or put us down .

The image sadje shared made me think of potential – to be standing on the precipice – do we jump or let our fears and the fears of others hold us back. I’m ready to jump – anyone with me?

Thank you for the inspiration @Sadje


  1. Thanks Brenda, this is an inspiring post. I agree with you that we should go ahead and explore our full potential and not be deterred by the negativity. Thanks for joining in

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